I was getting real good about doing regular posts! I was almost impressed with myself! However, life took a sad turn this last month, and left me not in the best of spirits. So I unplugged for a month.
After an 8 month battle of recovering from a stroke and living with the final stages of Kidney disease, my Grandmother passed away. She finally rests in peace! Even when you are prepared for loss, when the loss actually happens it still knocks you down a few notches and takes your breath away. We all go through it, and we all have to go on. It really did put me in kind of a funk though. I wasn't myself for a while... a tad bit temperamental and not my joke making self. Life is getting back to normal now... crazy as ever!
I'm not sure if you all know about our crazy pet situation, but I must fill you in so you understand the humor in the story I am going to tell you. When I met the hubs... I had a chihuahua.

She is now 12 years old, suffers from seizures and is on barbiturates daily! Hubs had just lost a dog a few weeks before we met and was feeling lonely. So 3 days before he met me... he decided to rescue a Brittany from a shelter. Little did he know that in three days he wouldn't be so lonely... two more kids, a wife and a chihuahua with seizures entered his world! Now, this Brittany he got? Our little Bo dog suffers from separation anxiety. If he is left by himself without being put in a kennel, we will come home to a destroyed house... and believe me... we have. Broken wooden blinds, couch turned over, food off the counters in the kitchen... GONE! I'm telling you he has a split personality. He's suffered from a neurological disorder, drop jaw, which is not common at all, but of course for our animals... yes that's normal. He's a little wacky doodle now, and is on anxiety medication. Oh and did I mention he has a heart murmur! Oh yes he does.

In 2009 my parents found a newborn kitten in their flower bed. This kitten didn't even have her eyes open. Of course, we weren't going to let her die. We bottle fed her and switched off shifts with my parents. I even taught her how to poop by wiping warm water on her behind. Not one of my better days! She was cute, and I said she could stay until we found her a good home! She's still here and the light of my life. I thought I would never love a cat... but I do! She's a handful! Spoiled Rotten! We named her Beazor! Later, I found out that a Beazie is a bitch! How fitting!
(Notice she has her own portraits behind her house)
Anyway... after Grandma passed away a few weeks ago... they couldn't find a home for her 10 year old cat. Now... this wasn't just any cat, this was also my great grandmother's cat and she left it to Grams. Now... the cat has come to live with us. Her name is Samantha! Yes, you heard me right... with us. Beazie is not to happy!
It's been an adjustment. Two weeks later and Beazie has finally quit stalking her! We are making progress.
Sorry no recipes or anything fun... just a quick update on where I have been. Recipes coming soon! Promise!