Over the weekend I spent some down time on Pinterest. Doesn't everyone just love Pinterest? It's so very addictive. I think most Pinterest people are the same way... It's comical! We spend so much time pinning that we don't have time to do any of our pins!
Pinning... I found a recipe for fried Avocado! Ok... so first things first! Avocado has to be one of the best amazing foods ever! I honestly never thought about frying one though. Once I went Paleo, and cut out cheese, avocado became my go to for a creamy anything, however, still never considered frying the darn things! I took the recipe and Paleo-fied it. Or should I say Paleo-FRIED it! (Made my self crack up there).
Paleo-Fried Avocado's
2 Avocado's
Coconut Flour
Shredded Coconut
1 Egg
Oil For Frying
Cut Avocados in half, clean out innards with a spoon, and slice in desired size of slices. Coat slices with coconut flour, then in egg, and then a top coat of shredded coconut. Fry until you reach desired crispiness!
We happened to stumble upon Avocado Oil in Costco this weekend. I used it for this recipe, but on a normal day probably would've reverted to my old faithful coconut oil. I wanted a dipping sauce so badly, that I started scrambling. I ended up using coconut milk with our blend seasoning, which is similar to Emeril's if you have that, and a little bit of hot sauce. It was perfect. Everyone loved these little gems... even Hub's.
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