Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Parsnip Crisps!

Two days in a row... I know, I know.  I just couldn't pass up this moment to share the birth of my new Scoby with you.  As I told you yesterday... my second batch of Kombucha was a total FAIL!
So, first I ordered a new little critter from KombuchaKamp.com, and while I await it's arrival, I decided to try to start my own.  So for those of you who don't know what a Scoby is... Scoby stands for Symbiotic
Culture OBacteria &Yeast!  Good Bacteria of course... the kind necessary for maintaining a healthy environment in your tummy tum tum!  It has a detoxifying effect and boosts immunity! It also tastes amazing!  

I read that you can use an already made up Kombucha to grow a new Scoby!  So I sacrificed one in my fridge for the experiment.  Hopefully it will bring me many more batches to come! Here's the birth of my baby booch!  1 Day old!  Ahhh... look, it already has growth!  Yummy!  

I really wasn't going to blog about last nights dinner today... because we just had hamburgers with guacamole and bacon.  Not anything out of the ordinary... however.  I saw an instagram picture posted by the Urban Poser the other day, where they had made some parsnip fries!  On the way home yesterday, I decided to stop and grab a few to give it a try.  When I got home, I stared at the parsnips.   I just didn't feel the mojo with them... we weren't jiving!  I wanted to make them... but not into fries.  So I pulled out my handy dandy Zyliss Julienne Peeler, (which you can find in kitchen gadgets under my favorite things tab), and made shoe strings out of the parsnips.  

Dropped those bad boys into hot coconut oil and made toppings for our burgers. Make sure to sprinkle some sea salt on them as they come out of the oil!  Yum Yum!  Added a nice crunch to the burgers, and snuck in an extra veggie for our meal!  

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