Well yesterday was my very first day on the 21 day fix! I know it's going to sound crazy... but I feel like a different woman today! My theory on this is this... I tend to let myself down so often, and yesterday I didn't. I stuck to my plan, and I got through it. Your mind can make a huge difference in the way you feel about yourself.
Yesterday was Monday... always my worst day of the week. I got home, got my workout knocked out and was feeling good about myself. Until I walked downstairs and it was time to go into dinner and sit on the couch mode. I am going to admit something here that is going to make me sound like a real lush... but I think it's something that needs to be talked about, and I know that other's probably face these same challenges. I love to drink my wine while I cook dinner. It's a habit, and not a good one. Prior to this weekend, I had been wearing my fitbit, counting calories and doing workouts like usual. I was staying in my calorie range, burning calories... but just not getting the results I needed. Here's where the confession comes in... I had allowed myself calories for my wine at night. I would actually take away the calories I was allowed for food and save them for my vino! Crazy, now that I am saying that in my out-loud voice. No wonder I haven't made the progress I wanted. Not that I was drinking crazily every night mind you... but you realize how many calories are actually in a glass of wine? Especially if you fill your glass? As I told you yesterday... On the 21 day fix, you can have wine... but only up to three times a week, it has to fit in that little yellow container... and NO you can't have all three yellow containers in one night. This is where we have to learn moderation people. Anyway... back to my temptation. I had already planned two glasses to have during the week in my menu, I left the third for a gimme. Well... I used it. But that's ok, because I only had that little yellow container... it was all I needed, and I was allowed that little yellow container. To me it becomes more than just sticking to my eating plan... it means I stuck to a commitment to myself and my health. I woke up feeling good today, a little sore because these workouts are so much more challenging than I thought they would be, but it was a good kind of sore. Definitely different workouts than I was use to. All in all... ready for day two! Bring it!
Just an FYI... this is how I pre-measured and packaged my food for the week, so I could pack it up easily every morning. I drink my yummy shake while getting it all together. My shakeology has always been my breakfast, so that wasn't a change for me. To be honest with you, I think I am eating more food in a day than I was before. I've been staying full, and no blood sugar crashes (which I'm prone to). That's because I am actually eating my daily calories instead of drinking them I guess. Go figure. The food you see above is just my "take to work" food. I still have dinner to eat later.
For those of you who follow my blog for my creative recipes... they will return. I just needed a break to work on me, and all the Mom's out there can relate with me I am sure. It was hard for this foodie to pack her nutrition up in little baggies... but for 21 days it's about eating to heal not about being fancy! See ya tomorrow peeps!
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