Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Where did the weekend go???

I'm not sure what happens these days... the weekend just flies by.  In my opinion, we should have three day weekends and four day work weeks.  Two days just isn't enough time to get chores done and have down time too. 

As far as the diet is concerned, I have lost 5 lbs.  I am taking all my supplements religiously and am feeling pretty darn good.  I love the Paleo way of eating... I don' t feel swollen anymore.  My stomach is flatter and all in all I just feel good.  The hubby is feeling pretty good too!  Our bloat seems to all be a thing of the past, which is freaking awesome.  However, it can be hard... like this weekend we went to dinner to celebrate our daughter's boyfriends birthday.  Macaroni Grill!  Italian food???  The first thing they bring to the table is BREAD!  Now for me, I haven't had bread in so long it didn't bother me, however, hubby was another story.  He wrote a letter on the table to the Paleo Diet...
Dear Paleo,
My husband is just feeling deprived... he will get over it!
We feel better and look better... Thank you!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Is this a dream... Nope it's Friday!!!

Friday's are glorious day's aren't they?  They are filled with such hope of restful weekends and time away from work.  For those of you with families though, you know that that hope is only wishful thinking.  We spend our weekends getting everything ready to do the next week all over again!  It's a vicious cycle. 
I blew my diet last night and paid for it!  I had a glass of wine... OK.. maybe two!  Who's counting... Geesh!  Anyhoo, I am not supposed to have any alcohol during this 30 days to a better me kick I am on.  But, yesterday was a hard day at work and alcohol just seemed to be inviting!  It was until bed time at least!
Along with the stool sample that scarred me for life... you know the one that told me of my little house guest?  I also did a Cortisol test.  My Cortisol levels at night are through the roof.  Apparently the cause is related to my blood sugar dropping between the time I go to bed and the time I get up, causing my body to produce excess cortisol.  Controlling my blood sugar has been one of the main goals of my doctor.  I am taking Proglyco-SP, 2 tablets 3 times a day with food.  I really think it has made a huge difference, and if I miss a dose, I notice it.  That along with the Adrenalcalm that I am using... which is a cream, 3 times a day, really has helped my sleeping habits. 
I've been sleeping a lot better.  I really noticed it last night when I decided to be a little rebellious and drink my glass of vino!  I also forgot to take my nightly dose of Proglyco with my dinner!  OOPS!  I woke up to pee at 12:30, and again at 2:30.  Both times I didn't feel good, I felt jittery, heart beating fast, and had a hard time getting back to sleep!  I use to feel that on a nightly basis, but knowing now how it feels to rest at night... I don't want to do it again.  
Tonight... herbal tea, two Proglyco, and Adrenacalm... mmmmm sllllleeeeeep! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

It's all about the Poop!

This is precisely the reason I started this blog to go along with my other. Poop is just not something you discuss on a food blog! It's natural and we all do it, but we rarely ever talk about it. I discussed previously seeing my new doctor, and going through my new regimine for my Autoimmune disease treatment. On my visit this last week, along with my hand slapping for not taking some of my supplements exactly how I was told, I was also told that I had lots of bad bacteria in my gut and a parasite. Excuse me? A parasite? Now mind you, I am a visual person... so this image came to my mind...

Ok... so I have an imagination! I also have a foreign beast in my stomache! As many probiotics that I take, and all the digestive enzymes... he must be one resilient dude! And yes, I call him a dude because no woman would ever want to live and thrive in an environment like an intestine or a colon! Gross! That was enought to scare me into taking a new set of botanicals, Let me tell ya! Bring it on! This intestine is no longer a parasitic bed and breakfast.
The product I am taking is called the Repairvite Program. It constists of a powder that I drink twice a day, two pill pouches that I take twice a day, and some probitotics. Today is day 6 on them! My bowels have been on a roller coaster! I was expecting to have the runs, stomach cramps, but nope, quite the opposite! Total back up! I am pooping like a rabbit! My tummy is bloated and I am exhuasted, and I'm grumpy! I keep visioning the beast in there... sucking up all the things that I am pumping in me, laying back looking full, picking his teeth and feeling so happy! My only hope is that inside that parasitic ass, he's bubbling like an alka seltzer plus and getting ready to explode! Unfortuantely... I think when he does... I better be by a bathroom!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Journey Starts Here...

For those of you who have followed our To M's In The Kitchen blog... you know that I have Celiac Disease. I also have an autoimmune disease of the thyroid, which is why we have done all our gluten free cooking.  I have recently started seeing a wonderful doctor who is teaching me alot, and getting me to start thinking about things a little differently. First thing she told me was to quit focusing on the fact that I have two different diseases and realize that I have one... Autoimmune Disease, which caused the two different ones. Boosting my immune system and controlling the inflammation would be our first goal. In doing that we had to take a look at my diet. I needed to be on an anti inflammatory diet... and for the most part, I already was due to the celiac. However, prior to knowing I had Celiac disease, I avoided most carbs, too many carbs actually. But, nonetheless, my weight was good, my blood pressure was good and I had the really low cholesterol, which is not usual for someone with a bad thyroid. When I found out that I had celiac, and that it wasn't carbs that were bothering me, but the gluten and wheat containing carbs... man did I have a hay day! Potatoes, brown rice, quiona... became a staple. I even cut down on my meat consumption. A few years later, here I am... my blood pressure is the highest it's ever been. I can't lose any more weight, and my autoimmune flare ups are occurring frequently even avoiding the gluten. It's time for a change.
I started researching the Paleo diet, which is commonly known as "The Caveman" diet. It is an anti-inflammatory diet, and it truly makes sense based on my history. So... M2 is goin' Paleo!

So here is the dealio in a nutshell. I don't have this blog looking like I want yet, at all, however, I wanted a place to start writing about my journey. The program that I am currently going through and all the ups and down. I have recently started the Paleo way of eating, as I stated above. I am currently doing a new exercise program and am embarking on a 30 day to a better me program.
Years ago when I was diagnosed with my thyroid problem and before my Hashi's diagnosis, I had read a book by Dr. Kharrazian called Why do I still have thyroid symptoms. He spoke of ways to live life normally with Hashi's and how do that. If I would have taken it to my General Practitioner he would have laughed at me. For years, my mother told me to go visit him. He was down in San Diego. As busy as my life is... do you think that was going to happen? Mom stumbled across a lady in our area that actually has studied under Dr. Kharrazian and uses all his practices. She's a firecracker I tell ya! She know's what she's talking about, and just expects you to listen and follow her directions. Now keep in mind... I am not a pill popper. I take minimal amounts of anything. Yet, I have an arsenal of concoctions and pills (all botanical of course) that I am currently embarking on. When I first started this program with her, I was leery to take anything in the amounts she stated. So me being who I am, was taking it the way I wanted to. Well, after my last visit, and a good scolding... I am following her directions to the T! As hard as that is for me to do... I am hoping that if I blog about it, someone out there might just benefit from this. I am also hoping that I start to feel like the vibrant 40 year old woman that I am.